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Meeting Minutes 12/01/12

3D Modelling


Has had trouble with the grid independence test, the results haven’t made much sense

Also having trouble with the software

Has 2 prism layers and quite a few cells, and the results are still not quite what adrian is looking for


Having trouble getting on to the software as well

Chung: particle modelling of the upper airways would be interesting


Has the upper airways geometry now

Chung: we need to fuse the upper airway geometry to the first geometry set.

Chung: some hard work needs to be done to mesh the upper airways and lower airways together.



1D modelling

Charlie: The coding is in currently in the final stages, with over 1000 lines of code so far

Current limitations: not using patient specific lung boundaries, haven't modelled the lobes so far.

This can be done with approximations to lobe boundaries, i.e. a plane section

Dr. Chung: does the centre point data have any more data than the STl file?

No the same number of generations are on the stl file and the centrepoint file


Has been researching elastic wall behaviour’s influence on flow

And also the relationship between lung volume and airway resistance

Lots of data available on this


Weren’t able to contact Tom


General Talk:

Technical report draft due week 9

Poster deadline week 10

Dr. Chung: The group should meet up more to talk about different project areas.

Adrian: Also need to look at the business background.

3D guys need to meet Talha to sort out their STAR CCM licenses


After meeting: student group talk

Technical report due week 9:

We are writing the report in seperate 3D and 1D sections.

We will do this by each of us first making a mini report for our sections

Things like the introduction and conclusion should be written together

We have set a date for individual project Write ups (no more than 1600 words): Monday week 7

This will give us 2 weeks to combine everything for the report

Daniel is emailing Dr. Chung to ask whether a business section needs to be included in the report due in week 9, or whether this just appears in the executive summary.