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Solver Version 1

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::ofstream;

typedef vector <double> record_t;
typedef vector <record_t> data_t;

istream& operator >> ( istream& ins, record_t& record )

string line;
getline( ins, line );

stringstream ss( line );
string field;
while (getline( ss, field, ',' ))
stringstream fs( field );
double f = 0.0; // (default value is 0.0)
fs >> f;

record.push_back( f );

return ins;


istream& operator >> ( istream& ins, data_t& data )

record_t record;
while (ins >> record)
data.push_back( record );
return ins;

int main()
data_t data;

ifstream infile( "example test.csv" );
infile >> data;

if (!infile.eof())
cout << "FAIL\n";
return 1;


cout << "Your CSV file contains " << data.size() << " records.\n" << endl;

unsigned max_record_size = 0;
for (unsigned n = 0; n < data.size(); n++)
if (max_record_size < data[ n ].size())
max_record_size = data[ n ].size();
cout << "The largest record has " << max_record_size << " fields.\n" << endl; // Initialise Line Properties


ofstream myfile; ("output.csv");


const long imax = (data.size()-1);
long n; // current time step
long nmax; //maximum number of time steps
long count = 1;
float dt = 0.0001; // time step delta t
float v = 0.00001511; // Dynamic Viscosity
float rho = 1.205;
int F = 0;

// Boundary Conditions
float mbc1 = 100, mbc2 = -100, cbc1, cbc2;

// Declare Arrays

double a[imax]; // array of coefficient a
double b[imax]; // array of coefficient b
double c[imax]; // array of coefficient c
double A[imax]; // array of right hand side, this includes abc for boundery conditions, calculate A foe all elements before GS interation
double u[imax]; // array of flow velocities
double p[imax]; // array of flow pressures
double U[imax]; // array of future velocities for the time step n = n + 1

// Set Initial Conditions
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= imax; i++)
u[i] = 2;
p[i] = (101325-i);

//p[0] = 101325;
//p[imax] = 100925;

// Calculate coefficients for current time step (a, b, c, A)


for (i = 1; i <= imax; i++)
a[i] = (-u[i]/(2*(data[i][1])));
c[i] = (u[i]/((data[i][1])*2));
A[i] = (u[i]*((1/dt)-((4*v)/(data[i][2]*data[i][2]))) - (p[i]*(1/(rho*data[i][1]))) + (p[i-1]*(1/(rho*data[i][1]))) - F);
cout<< a[i]<<"\t"<< b[i]<<"\t"<< c[i]<<"\t"<<A[i]<<endl;

for (i = 1; i < imax; i++)
b[i] = (0.5*(u[i+1] - u[i])/(data[i][1]))+(1/dt)+((4*v)/(data[i][2]*data[i][2]));


// Calculate b[imax]
b[imax] = (0.5*(0)/(data[imax][1]))+(1/dt)+((4*v)/(data[imax][2]*data[imax][2]));

// Calculate Velocity


for (i=1; i<imax; i++){
u[i] = (A[i]/b[i])-((a[i]*u[i-1])/b[i]) - ((c[i]*u[i+1])/b[i]);

// Calculate u[imax]and u[0]
u[0] = u[1];

//u[imax] = (A[imax]/(b[imax]*c[imax]))-((a[imax]*u[imax-1])/(b[imax]*c[imax]));
u[imax] = (A[imax]/b[imax])-((a[imax]*u[imax-1])/b[imax]) - ((c[imax]*u[imax])/b[imax]);


for (i=0; i<imax; i++){
myfile << u[i]<<", ";
myfile << u[imax]<<endl;

while (count < 10);


//// Repeat for pressure

//// Calculate U[i] when time is n + 1 Wtite this to a file

//// Calculate P[i] when time is n + 1/2 Wtite this to a file

//// Increment Time n = n + 1

// identifier = data[m][0];
// dx = data[m][1];
// radius = data[m][2];


// Initialise conditions at time: n = 0 ( u = 0, p = 1000000 throughout )

//cout<< a[imax]<<"\t"<<b[imax]<<"\t"<<c[imax]<<"\t"<<A[imax]<<endl;

return 0;
