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Abhishek Shukla

I am a third year MASDOC student.

My mathematical interest lies in interface area of Analysis, Probability and Statistics. Specifically inverse problems and data assimilation schemes. During MASDOC first year RSG project I was involved in the Research study group working on Mathematics of Multiscale Materials for the proposal part and I worked in the Stochastic Finance group for the implementation stage.

I worked with Dr. Andrew Stuart for my MSc dissertation on Bayesian Inference for Data assimilation schemes.

When I am not doing Mathematics I enjoy Folk music and dancing. I also like to play Table Tennis, Cricket and going on cycling trips. I can be contacted on my email "A.Shukla 'obvious symbol'"

Thank you for visiting my page.


K.J.H. Law, A. Shukla and A.M. Stuart, Analysis of the 3DVAR Filter for the Partially Observed Lorenz '63 Model. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A, 34(2014), 1061-1078. pdf


K.J.H. Law, D. Sanz-Alonso, A. Shukla, A.M. Stuart, Controlling Unpredictability with Observations in the Partially Observed Lorenz'96 Model(submitted).