Memory, Vision, Attention, Decision-Making, and their disorders: linking cellular and sub-cellular properties to global behavior. Cortical attractor networks provide a basis for understanding memory, attention, and decision-making. Analysis of systems found in the brain using mean-field approaches and integrate-and-fire neuronal network simulations shows how stochastic noise generated by the probabilistic firing times of neurons can influence the operation of these processes, often to advantage. These approaches allow sub-cellular effects such as changes in synaptic receptor-activated ion channel conductances and neuron-level events such as spiking on the global operation of the whole network and its functions in behaviour to be predicted and analyzed. This is leading to the use of dynamically realistic models incorporating stochastic noise to understand memory, attention, and decision-making, and some of their disorders. This new understanding in turn has implications for treatments for these disorders. 01. Rolls,E.T. and Kesner,R.P. (2006) A computational theory of hippocampal function, and empirical tests of the theory. Progress in Neurobiology 79: 1-48. 02. Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2006) A neurophysiological model of decision-making and Weber's law. European Journal of Neuroscience 24: 901-916. 03. Rolls,E.T. and Stringer,S.M. (2006) Invariant visual object recognition: a model, with lighting invariance. Journal of Physiology - Paris 100: 43-62. 04. Loh,M., Rolls,E.T. and Deco,G. (2007) A dynamical systems hypothesis of schizophrenia. PLoS Computational Biology 3 (11): e228. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.0030228. 05. Rolls,E.T., Loh,M. and Deco,G. (2008) An attractor hypothesis of obsessive-compulsive disorder. European Journal of Neuroscience 28: 782-793. 06. Rolls,E.T., Loh,M., Deco,G. and Winterer,G. (2008) Computational models of schizophrenia and dopamine modulation in the prefrontal cortex. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 9: 696-709. 07. Rolls,E.T., Tromans, J. and Stringer,S.M. (2008). Spatial scene representations formed by self-organizing learning in a hippocampal extension of the ventral visual system. European Journal of Neuroscience 28: 2116-2127.