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EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Space-time phases for spatially extended systems (STG)

Space-time phases for spatially extended systems, 6-8 January 2010

Organisers: RS MacKay, C Maes (Leuven)

Space-time Gibbs measures provide a unifying mathematical framework for the description of equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase-transitions. The mathematical study of coupled maps and of interacting particle systems in regimes of weak v. strong interactions finds there a natural formulation, sufficiently flexible for moving between possible applications in biological contexts and in computer science. Space-time fluctuation theory or the theory of large deviations leads to variational formulations of typical space-time behavior. The problem of understanding the emergence of spatio-temporal patterns and of macroscopic chaos remains one of today’s greatest mathematical challenges in classical physics. It is hoped there that the mathematical unravelling of nontrivial collective space-time behavior would well advance a theory of control of space-time Gibbs phases, which would ultimately append a new chapter to classical thermodynamics.


Participants (with links to abstracts of speakers): Maes, Liverani, Toom, van Enter, Bricmont, Kupiainen, Keller, Bunimovich, Livi, Politi, Rybko, Redig, Jack, Ginelli, Blank, Kotecky, Samsonov, Magalhaes, Briggs, Adams, Tamm, Ruszel

Longer term visitors: Maes, 5-16 January; Liverani, 5-13 January; Toom, 4-24 January

Related events:

Possible informal session on Saturday 9 January for those who are staying.

Non-equilibrium dynamics workshop, 11-13 January

16.00, Friday 15 January: C.Maes, Maths dept colloquium, "Goal functions and variational principles, from analytical mechanics to irreversible thermodynamics"

16.00, Tuesday 19 January: A.Toom, joint DIMAP and Networks seminar, "Solvable and unsolvable in cellular automata"

Aerial photograph of Maths Houses

See also:
Mathematics Research Centre
Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick (MIR@W)
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Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL - UK