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Applied Algebraic Topology minicourses

These workshops will be held in Castro Urdiales, CIEM, Spain, 26-28 June 2014

The minicourses are:

(A) Topology of robot motion planning, given by Alexander Dranishnikov (University of Florida)

(B) Topology of configuration spaces, given by Dirk Schütz (University of Durham)

(C) Stochastic topology, given by Nati Linial (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

(D) Topology of random Morse functions, given by Robert Adler (Technion, Israeli Institute of Technology)

(E) Topological methods in combinatorics and in discrete mathematics, given by Günter Ziegler (Free University of Berlin)

(F) Topology of sensor networks, given by Robert Ghrist (University of Pennsylvania).

These minicourses will be followed by a workshop on Applied Algebraic Topology.