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Information for New Students Beginning Their Studies in 2013

Looking for accommodation? If any new students who are due to start at Warwick in Sept 2013 are interested in sharing a flat/house and are looking for a flat mate, please contact Sarah Shute on and she will put you in touch.

The pre-sessional Maths & Stats course will start on Saturday 21st September 2013 at 10am (top floor Senate House). All new students must attend.

Access the presessional maths week 2013 timetable (Excel Spreadsheet)

The preparatory reading material detailed below will be sent to you when you have accepted your offer. These books need to be returned to MOAC at the end of the MSc year.

We recommend that you focus in the first instance on the following:



Textbook "The Cell" by Bruce Alberts et al

Chapter 2: Chemical components of a cell
Chapter 5: DNA replication mechanisms
Chapter 11: Principles of membrane transport
Chapter 12: The compartmentalisation of cells
Chapter 15: General Principles of cell communication
Chapter 17: An overview of the cell cycle

Refer to material elsewhere in the book as needed in order to grasp the core ideas in the chapters listed.

Mathematics and Biology

Textbook "Mathematics for Biological Scientists" by Mike Aitken, Bill Broadhurst and Steve Hladky (Garland Science)

Chapter 2: Numbers and Equations. Section 2.1 - 2.7 (and 2.8 if you have time)

Chapter 5: Differentiation. Sections 5.1 - 5.10 (and 5.11 and 5.12 if you have time)

Chapter 6: Integration. Sections 6.1 - 6.4 (and 6.5 - 6.7 if you have time)

Chapter 9: Stats/Data Display. Sections 9.1 - 9.4 (and 9.5 if you have time)

Chapter 10: Probability. Section 10.1 (basic probability)


Exercise book "Mathematics for Multidisciplinary Masters" - refer in particular to chapters 1,2 and 3.

Also refer to the textbook "Core Maths" by L. Bostock and F.S. Chandler. Refer to material from "Core Maths for Advanced Level" as needed; any chapter that has the words "Differentiation" or "Integration" in its title is particularly relevant.

You can collect a copy of "Core Maths" when you arrive in Warwick in Sept.


Textbook Chang's "Chemistry" - MOAC STUDENTS ONLY! Systems Biologists do not need this book.

Start with chapters 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 14

Refer to material elsewhere in the book as needed in order to grasp the core ideas in the chapters listed.

Please also read the article 'Common Errors' by Dr Hugo van den Berg, which is accessible here.

Please make sure you have accepted your conditional offer.

If you have any questions please contact Sarah Shute on