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Work at Warwick

We are currently working in two areas: 1) contributing to the development of a new calibration system based on LED's as a light source and 2) design, development and testing of the data acquisition system for the Hyper-Kamiokande far detector.

Light Readout Calibration System Development

An essential aspect of the far detector is the precise calibration of the water target for attenuation and scattering effects and to evaluate the timing response and charge linearity performance of the electronic chain. The calibration techniques used by Super-K may not be optimal for the Hyper-K environment and so, working together with the Liverpool and Sheffield groups, we are developing a new system based on injecting light pulses of known emission time and intensity at several visible wavelengths based on laser light injection. Warwick has the responsibility for designing, producing and installing two types of light injection systems : a diffuser, to calibrate the light sensors, and a collimator, to monitor the water properties. Pictures of the current design are shown below.

Hyper-K Water Monitoring System

Hyper-K Data Acquisition System

A project on Hyper-Kamiokande would involve research and development work on any of the systems described above. Projects can also involve data analysis and simulation tasks which will be needed to understand the impact of the light injector and monitoring systems on the final physics results of Hyper-Kamiokande.