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Journal Articles

  1. Control and ultrafast dynamics of a two-fluid polariton switch
    M. De Giorgi, D. Ballarini, E. Cancellieri, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymanska, C. Tejedor, R. Cingolani, E. Giacobino, A. Bramati, G. Gigli, D. Sanvitto
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 266407 (2012)
  2. Intertwining Electron Tunneling with Light
    Marzena H. Szymańska
    Science 336, 679 (2012)
  3. Power-law decay of the spatial correlation function in exciton-polariton condensates
    Georgios Roumpos, Michael Lohse, Wolfgang H. Nitsche, Jonathan Keeling, Marzena Hanna Szymańska, Peter B. Littlewood, Andreas Löffler, Sven Höfling, Lukas Worschech, Alfred Forchel, and Yoshihisa Yamamoto
    Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci 109, 6467 (2012)
  4. Frictionless flow in a binary polariton superfluid
    E. Cancellieri, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, D. Sanvitto, C. Tejedor
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 065301 (2012)
  5. Onset and Dynamics of Vortex-Antivortex Pairs in Polariton Optical Parametric Oscillator Superfluids
    G. Tosi, F. M. Marchetti, D. Sanvitto, C. Anton, M. H. Szymańska, A. Berceanu, C. Tejedor, L. Marrucci, A. Lematre, J. Bloch, L. Vina
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 036401 (2011)
  6. Strain-Induced Darkening of Trapped Excitons in Coupled Quantum Wells at Low Temperature
    N. W. Sinclair, J. K. Wuenschell, Z. Voros, B. Nelsen, D. W. Snoke, M. H. Szymańska, A. Chin, J. Keeling, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West
    Phys. Rev. B 83, 245304 (2011)
  7. Multistability of a two component exciton-polariton fluid
    E. Cancellieri, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, C. Tejedor
    Phys. Rev. B 83, 214507 (2011)
  8. Superflow of resonantly driven polaritons against a defect
    E. Cancellieri, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, C. Tejedor
    Phys. Rev. B 82, 224512 (2010)
  9. Propagating wavepackets and quantised currents in coherently driven polariton superfluids
    M. H. Szymańska, F. M. Marchetti, D. Sanvitto
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 236402 (2010)
  10. Spontaneous and Triggered Vortices in Polariton Optical-Parametric-Oscillator Superfluids
    F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, C. Tejedor, D. M. Whittaker
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 063902 (2010)
  11. Persistent currents and quantised vortices in a polariton superfluid
    D. Sanvitto, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, G. Tosi, M. Baudisch, F. P. Laussy, D. N. Krizhanovskii, M. S. Skolnick, L. Marrucci, A. Lemaitre, J. Bloch, C. Tejedor, L. Vina
    Nature Physics 6, 527 (2010)
  12. Probing Fermionic Condensates by Fast-Sweep Projection onto Feshbach Molecules
    S. Matyjaśkiewicz, M. H. Szymańska, K. Góral
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 150410 (2008)
  13. Phase diagram for condensation of microcavity polaritons: From theory to practice
    F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, J. Keeling, J. Kasprzak, R. André, Le Si Dang, P. B. Littlewood
    Phys. Rev. B 77, 235313 (2008)
  14. Coherence properties and luminescence spectra of condensed polaritons in CdTe microcavities
    M. H. Szymańska, F. M. Marchetti, J. Keeling, P. B. Littlewood
    Solid State Commun. 144, 364 (2007)
  15. Absorption, Photoluminescence and Resonant Rayleigh Scattering Probes of Condensed Microcavity Polaritons
    F. M. Marchetti, J. Keeling, M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood
    Phys. Rev. B 76, 115326 (2007)
  16. Mean field theory and fluctuation spectrum of a pumped, decaying Bose-Fermi system across the quantum condensation transition
    M. H. Szymańska, J. Keeling, P. B. Littlewood
    Phys. Rev. B 75, 195331 (2007)
  17. Collective coherence in planar semiconductor microcavities
    J. Keeling, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood
    Semicond. Sci. Technol. 22, R1-R26 (2007)
  18. Bose-Einstein condensation of exciton polaritons
    J. Kasprzak, M. Richard, S. Kundermann, A. Baas, P. Jeambrun, J. M. J. Keeling, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, R. Andre, J. L. Staehli, V. Savona, P. B. Littlewood, B. Deveaud, Le Si Dang
    Nature 443, 409 (2006)
  19. Non-equilibrium quantum condensation in an incoherently pumped dissipative system
    M. H. Szymańska, J. Keeling, P. B. Littlewood
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 230602 (2006)
  20. Thermodynamics and excitations of condensed polaritons in disordered microcavities
    F. M. Marchetti, J. Keeling, M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 066405 (2006)
  21. BCS-BEC crossover in a system of microcavity polaritons
    J. Keeling, P. R. Eastham, M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood
    Phys. Rev. B 72, 115320 (2005)
  22. Conventional character of the BCS-BEC crossover in ultracold gases of 40K
    M. H. Szymańska, K. Góral, T. Köhler, K. Burnett
    Phys. Rev. A 72, 013610 (2005)
  23. Dynamics of the BCS-BEC crossover in a degenerate Fermi gas
    M. H. Szymańska, B. D. Simons, K. Burnett
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 170402 (2005)
  24. Condensation and lasing of microcavity polaritons: comparison between two models
    F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, P. R. Eastham, B. D. Simons, P. B. Littlewood
    Solid State Commun. 134, 111 (2005)
  25. Polariton condensation with localized excitons and propagating photons
    J. Keeling, P. R. Eastham, M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 226403 (2004)
  26. Models of coherent exciton condensation
    P. B. Littlewood, P. R. Eastham, J. Keeling, F. M. Marchetti, B. D. Simons, M. H. Szymańska
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, S3597 (2004)
  27. Polarization-dependent photoluminescence-excitation spectra of one-dimensional exciton and continuum states in T-shaped quantum wires
    H. Itoh, Y. Hayamizu, M. Yoshita, H. Akiyama, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 2043 (2003)
  28. Polariton condensation and lasing in optical microcavities: The decoherence-driven crossover
    M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood, B. D. Simons
    Phys. Rev. A 68, 013818 (2003)
  29. Phase-locking in quantum and classical oscillators: polariton condensates, lasers, and arrays of Josephson junctions
    P. R. Eastham, M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood
    Solid State Commun. 127, 117 (2003)
  30. Excitonic Binding in Coupled Quantum Wells
    M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood
    Phys. Rev. B 67, 193305 (2003)
  31. Some remarks on the ground state of the exciton and exciton-polariton system
    P. B. Littlewood, G. J. Brown, P. R. Eastham, M. H. Szymańska
    Physica Status Solidi (b) 234, 36 (2002)
  32. The crossover between lasing and polariton condensation in optical microcavities
    M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood
    Solid State Commun. 124, 103 (2002)
  33. Coexistence of excitonic lasing with electron-hole plasma, spontaneous emission in one-dimensional semiconductor structures
    J. Rubio, L. N. Pfeiffer, M. H. Szymańska, A. Pinczuk, S. He, H. U. Baranger, P. B. Littlewood, K. W. West, B. S. Dennis
    Solid State Commun. 120, 423 (2001)
  34. Excitons in T-shaped quantum wires
    M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood, R. J. Needs
    Phys. Rev. B 63, 205317 (2001)
  35. Effect of a photonic band gap on the threshold and output power of solid-state lasers and light-emitting diodes
    M. H. Szymańska, A. F. Hughes, E. R. Pike
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 69 (1999)

Conference Proceedings

  1. Drag Force and Superfluidity in Optical Parametrical Oscillators
    E. Cancellieri, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, D. Sanvitto and C. Tejedor
    30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, AIP Conference Proceeding Series 1399 (2011)
  2. Persistent quantised currents in a polariton superfluid
    F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska, D. Sanvitto, G. Tosi, M. Baudisch, A. Lemaitre, J. Bloch, E. Karimi, B. Piccirillo, L. Marrucci, C. Tejedor, L. Vina
    11th International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems, Journal of Physics Conference Series 210 (2010)

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics (Vol. 1 Cold Atoms Series)
    N. P. Proukakis, S. A. Gardiner, M. Davis, M. H. Szymanska (editors)
    and chapter Non-Equilibrium Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dissipative Environment
    M. H. Szymańska, J. Keeling, P. B. Littlewood
    Imperial College Press, London, ISBN: 978-1-84816-810-7
  2. Vortices in polariton OPO superfluids
    F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska
    chapter in Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities – New Frontiers
    Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 3642241948, arXiv:1107.4487 (2011)
  3. Keldysh Green’s function approach to coherence in a non-equilibrium steady state: connecting Bose-Einstein condensation and lasing
    J. Keeling, M. H. Szymańska, P. B. Littlewood
    chapter in Optical Generation and Control of Quantum Coherence in Semiconductor Nanostructures  
    Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-642-12490-7, arXiv:1001.3338 (2010)
  4. Novel Quantum Condensates in Excitonic Matter
    P. B. Littlewood, J. M. J. Keeling, P. R. Eastham, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska
    chapter in Lectures on the physics of strongly correlated systems XIII,
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1162 15 (2009)
  5. The Photonic Band Gap Laser: The Role of Spontaneous Emission in the Theory of Solid-State Lasers and LEDs
    E. R. Pike, A. F. Hughes, M. H. Szymańska
    chapter in Directions in Quantum Optics edited by H. J. Carmichael, R. J. Glauber, M. O. Scully
    p. 250-260, Springer-Verlag ISBN: 3540411879 (2001)

Editorial Materials

  1. Optical coherence and collective phenomena in nanostructures
    P. B. Littlewood, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymańska
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 290301 (2007)