function [SPM,xSPM] = spm_getSPM % computes a specified and thresholded SPM/PPM following parameter estimation % FORMAT [SPM,xSPM] = spm_getSPM; % % xSPM - structure containing SPM, distribution & filtering details % .swd - SPM working directory - directory containing current SPM.mat % .title - title for comparison (string) % .Z - minimum of statistic images {filtered on u and k} % .n - conjunction number <= number of contrasts % .STAT - distribution {Z, T, X, F or P} % .df - degrees of freedom [df{interest}, df{residual}] % .STATstr - description string % .Ic - indices of contrasts (in SPM.xCon) % .Im - indices of masking contrasts (in xCon) % .pm - p-value for masking (uncorrected) % .Ex - flag for exclusive or inclusive masking % .u - height threshold % .k - extent threshold {voxels} % .XYZ - location of voxels {voxel coords} % .XYZmm - location of voxels {mm} % .S - search Volume {voxels} % .R - search Volume {resels} % .FWHM - smoothness {voxels} % .M - voxels -> mm matrix % .iM - mm -> voxels matrix % .VOX - voxel dimensions {mm} - column vector % .DIM - image dimensions {voxels} - column vector % .Vspm - Mapped statistic image(s) % .Ps - list of P values for voxels at SPM.xVol.XYZ (used by FDR) % % Required fields of SPM % % xVol - structure containing details of volume analysed % % xX - Design Matrix structure % - (see spm_spm.m for structure) % % xCon - Contrast definitions structure array % - (see also spm_FcUtil.m for structure, rules & handling) % .name - Contrast name % .STAT - Statistic indicator character ('T', 'F' or 'P') % .c - Contrast weights (column vector contrasts) % .X0 - Reduced design matrix data (spans design space under Ho) % Stored as coordinates in the orthogonal basis of xX.X from spm_sp % (Matrix in SPM99b) Extract using X0 = spm_FcUtil('X0',... % .iX0 - Indicates how contrast was specified: % If by columns for reduced design matrix then iX0 contains the % column indices. Otherwise, it's a string containing the % spm_FcUtil 'Set' action: Usually one of {'c','c+','X0'} % .X1o - Remaining design space data (X1o is orthogonal to X0) % Stored as coordinates in the orthogonal basis of xX.X from spm_sp % (Matrix in SPM99b) Extract using X1o = spm_FcUtil('X1o',... % .eidf - Effective interest degrees of freedom (numerator df) % - Or effect-size threshold for Posterior probability % .Vcon - Name of contrast (for 'T's) or ESS (for 'F's) image % .Vspm - Name of SPM image % % In addition, the xCon.mat file is updated. For newly evaluated % contrasts, SPM images (spmT_????.{img,hdr}) are written, along with % contrast (con_????.{img,hdr}) images for SPM{T}'s, or Extra % Sum-of-Squares images (ess_????.{img,hdr}) for SPM{F}'s. % % The contrast images are the weighted sum of the parameter images, % where the weights are the contrast weights, and are uniquely % estimable since contrasts are checked for estimability by the % contrast manager. These contrast images (for appropriate contrasts) % are suitable summary images of an effect at this level, and can be % used as input at a higher level when effecting a random effects % analysis. (Note that the ess_????.{img,hdr} and % SPM{T,F}_????.{img,hdr} images are not suitable input for a higher % level analysis.) See for further details. % %_______________________________________________________________________ % % spm_getSPM prompts for an SPM and applies thresholds {u & k} % to a point list of voxel values (specified with their locations {XYZ}) % This allows the SPM be displayed and characterized in terms of regionally % significant effects by subsequent routines. % % For general linear model Y = XB + E with data Y, design matrix X, % parameter vector B, and (independent) errors E, a contrast c'B of the % parameters (with contrast weights c) is estimated by c'b, where b are % the parameter estimates given by b=pinv(X)*Y. % % Either single contrasts can be examined or conjunctions of different % contrasts. Contrasts are estimable linear combinations of the % parameters, and are specified using the SPM contrast manager % interface [spm_conman.m]. SPMs are generated for the null hypotheses % that the contrast is zero (or zero vector in the case of % F-contrasts). See the help for the contrast manager [spm_conman.m] % for a further details on contrasts and contrast specification. % % A conjunction assesses the conjoint expression of multiple effects. The % conjunction SPM is the minimum of the component SPMs defined by the % multiple contrasts. Inference on the minimum statistics can be % performed in different ways. Inference on the Conjunction Null (one or % more of the effects null) is accomplished by assessing the minimum as % if it were a single statistic; one rejects the conjunction null in % favor of the alternative that k=nc, that the number of active effects k % is equal to the number of contrasts nc. No assumptions are needed on % the dependence between the tests. % % Another approach is to make inference on the Global Null (all effects % null). Rejecting the Global Null of no (u=0) effects real implies an % alternative that k>0, that one or more effects are real. A third % Intermediate approach, is to use a null hypothesis of no more than u % effects are real. Rejecting the intermediate null that k<=u implies an % alternative that k>u, that more than u of the effects are real. % % The Global and Intermediate nulls use results for minimum fields which % require the SPMs to be identically distributed and independent. Thus, % all component SPMs must be either SPM{t}'s, or SPM{F}'s with the same % degrees of freedom. Independence is roughly guaranteed for large % degrees of freedom (and independent data) by ensuring that the % contrasts are "orthogonal". Note that it is *not* the contrast weight % vectors per se that are required to be orthogonal, but the subspaces of % the data space implied by the null hypotheses defined by the contrasts % (c'pinv(X)). Furthermore, this assumes that the errors are % i.i.d. (i.e. the estimates are maximum likelihood or Gauss-Markov. This % is the default in spm_spm). % % To ensure approximate independence of the component SPMs in the case of % the global or intermediate null, non-orthogonal contrasts are serially % orthogonalised in the order specified, possibly generating new % contrasts, such that the second is orthogonal to the first, the third % to the first two, and so on. Note that significant inference on the % global null only allows one to conclude that one or more of the effects % are real. Significant inference on the conjunction null allows one to % conclude that all of the effects are real. % % Masking simply eliminates voxels from the current contrast if they % do not survive an uncorrected p value (based on height) in one or % more further contrasts. No account is taken of this masking in the % statistical inference pertaining to the masked contrast. % % The SPM is subject to thresholding on the basis of height (u) and the % number of voxels comprising its clusters {k}. The height threshold is % specified as above in terms of an [un]corrected p value or % statistic. Clusters can also be thresholded on the basis of their % spatial extent. If you want to see all voxels simply enter 0. In this % instance the 'set-level' inference can be considered an 'omnibus test' % based on the number of clusters that obtain. % % BAYESIAN INFERENCE AND PPMS - POSTERIOR PROBABILITY MAPS % % If conditional estimates are available (and your contrast is a T % contrast) then you are asked whether the inference should be 'Bayesian' % or 'classical' (using GRF). If you choose Bayesian the contrasts are of % conditional (i.e. MAP) estimators and the inference image is a % posterior probability map (PPM). PPMs encode the probability that the % contrast exceeds a specified threshold. This threshold is stored in % the xCon.eidf. Subsequent plotting and tables will use the conditional % estimates and associated posterior or conditional probabilities. % % see spm_results_ui.m for further details of the SPM results section. % see also spm_contrasts.m %_______________________________________________________________________ % @(#)spm_getSPM.m 2.51 Andrew Holmes, Karl Friston & Jean-Baptiste Poline 03/05/22 % $Id: spm_getSPM.m,v 1.14 2004/10/19 15:41:56 nichols Exp $ UM Biostat SCCSid = '2.51'; %-GUI setup %----------------------------------------------------------------------- SPMid = spm('SFnBanner',mfilename,SCCSid); spm_help('!ContextHelp',mfilename) %-Select SPM.mat & note SPM results directory %----------------------------------------------------------------------- swd = spm_str_manip(spm_get(1,'SPM.mat','Select SPM.mat'),'H'); %-Preliminaries... %======================================================================= %-Load SPM.mat %----------------------------------------------------------------------- load(fullfile(swd,'SPM.mat')); SPM.swd = swd; %-Get volumetric data from SPM.mat %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try xX = SPM.xX; %-Design definition structure XYZ = SPM.xVol.XYZ; %-XYZ coordinates S = SPM.xVol.S; %-search Volume {voxels} R = SPM.xVol.R; %-search Volume {resels} M = SPM.xVol.M(1:3,1:3); %-voxels to mm matrix VOX = sqrt(diag(M'*M))'; %-voxel dimensions catch % check the model has been estimated %--------------------------------------------------------------- str = { 'This model has not been estimated.';... 'Would you like to estimate it now?'}; if spm_input(str,1,'bd','yes|no',[1,0],1) [SPM] = spm_spm(SPM); else return end end %-Contrast definitions %======================================================================= %-Load contrast definitions (if available) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try xCon = SPM.xCon; catch xCon = {}; end %======================================================================= % - C O N T R A S T S , S P M C O M P U T A T I O N , M A S K I N G %======================================================================= %-Get contrasts %----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ic,xCon] = spm_conman(xX,xCon,'T&F',Inf,... ' Select contrasts...',' for conjunction',1); nc = length(Ic); % Number of contrasts %-Allow user to extend the null hypothesis for conjunctions % % n: conjunction number % u: Null hyp is k<=u effects real; Alt hyp is k>u effects real % (NB Here u is from Friston et al 2004 paper, not statistic thresh). % u n % Conjunction Null nc-1 1 | u = nc-n % Intermediate nc-u | #effects under null <= u % Global Null 0 nc | #effects under alt > u, >= u+1 %----------------------------------+------------------------------------- if (nc > 1) if nc==2 But='Conjunction|Global'; Val=[1 nc]; else But='Conj''n|Intermed|Global'; Val=[1 NaN nc]; end n = spm_input('Null hyp. to assess?','+1','b',But,Val,1); if isnan(n) if nc==3, n = nc-1; else n = nc-spm_input('Effects under null ','0','n1','1',nc-1); end end else n = 1; end %-Enforce orthogonality of multiple contrasts for conjunction % (Orthogonality within subspace spanned by contrasts) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if nc>1 & n>1 & ~spm_FcUtil('|_?',xCon(Ic), xX.xKXs) OrthWarn = 0; %-Successively orthogonalise %-NB: This loop is peculiarly controlled to account for the % possibility that Ic may shrink if some contrasts diasppear % on orthogonalisation (i.e. if there are colinearities) %------------------------------------------------------------------- i = 1; while(i < nc), i = i + 1; %-Orthogonalise (subspace spanned by) contrast i wirit previous %--------------------------------------------------------------- oxCon = spm_FcUtil('|_',xCon(Ic(i)), xX.xKXs, xCon(Ic(1:i-1))); %-See if this orthogonalised contrast has already been entered % or is colinear with a previous one. Define a new contrast if % neither is the case. %--------------------------------------------------------------- d = spm_FcUtil('In',oxCon,xX.xKXs,xCon); if spm_FcUtil('0|[]',oxCon,xX.xKXs) %-Contrast was colinear with a previous one - drop it %----------------------------------------------------------- Ic(i) = []; i = i - 1; elseif any(d) %-Contrast unchanged or already defined - note index %----------------------------------------------------------- Ic(i) = min(d); else OrthWarn = OrthWarn + 1; %-Define orthogonalised contrast as new contrast %----------------------------------------------------------- = [xCon(Ic(i)).name,' (orth. w.r.t {',... sprintf('%d,',Ic(1:i-2)), sprintf('%d})',Ic(i-1))]; xCon = [xCon, oxCon]; Ic(i) = length(xCon); end end % while... if OrthWarn warning(sprintf('Contrasts changed! %d contrasts orthogonalized ',... 'to allow conjunction inf.', OrthWarn)) end end % if (orthogonalize) %-Get contrasts for masking %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if spm_input('mask with other contrast(s)','+1','y/n',[1,0],2) [Im,xCon] = spm_conman(xX,xCon,'T&F',-Inf,... 'Select contrasts for masking...',' for masking',1); %-Threshold for mask (uncorrected p-value) %--------------------------------------------------------------- pm = spm_input('uncorrected mask p-value','+1','r',0.05,1,[0,1]); %-Inclusive or exclusive masking %--------------------------------------------------------------- Ex = spm_input('nature of mask','+1','b','inclusive|exclusive',[0,1]); else Im = []; pm = []; Ex = []; end %-Create/Get title string for comparison %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if nc == 1 str = xCon(Ic).name; else str = [sprintf('contrasts {%d',Ic(1)),sprintf(',%d',Ic(2:end)),'}']; if n==nc str = [str ' (global null)']; elseif n==1 str = [str ' (conj. null)']; else str = [str sprintf(' (Ha: k>=%d)',(nc-n)+1)]; end end if Ex mstr = 'masked [excl.] by'; else mstr = 'masked [incl.] by'; end if length(Im) == 1 str = sprintf('%s (%s %s at p=%g)',str,mstr,xCon(Im).name,pm); elseif ~isempty(Im) str = [sprintf('%s (%s {%d',str,mstr,Im(1)),... sprintf(',%d',Im(2:end)),... sprintf('} at p=%g)',pm)]; end titlestr = spm_input('title for comparison','+1','s',str); %-Bayesian or classical Inference? %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if isfield(SPM,'PPM') & xCon(Ic(1)).STAT == 'T' if nc == 1 & isempty(xCon(Ic).Vcon) if spm_input('Inference',1,'b',{'Bayesian','classical'},[1 0]); % set STAT to 'P' %--------------------------------------------------------------- xCon(Ic).STAT = 'P'; %-Get Bayesian threshold (Gamma) stored in xCon(Ic).eidf % The default is one conditional s.d. of the contrast %--------------------------------------------------------------- str = 'threshold {default: prior s.d.}'; Gamma = sqrt(xCon(Ic).c'*SPM.PPM.Cb*xCon(Ic).c); xCon(Ic).eidf = spm_input(str,'+1','e',sprintf('%0.2f',Gamma)); end end end %-Compute & store contrast parameters, contrast/ESS images, & SPM images %======================================================================= SPM.xCon = xCon; SPM = spm_contrasts(SPM,unique([Ic,Im])); xCon = SPM.xCon; VspmSv = cat(1,xCon(Ic).Vspm); STAT = xCon(Ic(1)).STAT; %-Check conjunctions - Must be same STAT w/ same df %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nc > 1) & (any(diff(double(cat(1,xCon(Ic).STAT)))) | ... any(abs(diff(cat(1,xCon(Ic).eidf))) > 1)) error('illegal conjunction: can only conjoin SPMs of same STAT & df') end %-Degrees of Freedom and STAT string describing marginal distribution %----------------------------------------------------------------------- df = [xCon(Ic(1)).eidf xX.erdf]; if nc>1 if n>1 str = sprintf('^{%d \\{Ha:k\\geq%d\\}}',nc,(nc-n)+1); else str = sprintf('^{%d \\{Ha:k=%d\\}}',nc,(nc-n)+1); end else str = ''; end switch STAT case 'T' STATstr = sprintf('%c%s_{%.0f}','T',str,df(2)); case 'F' STATstr = sprintf('%c%s_{%.0f,%.0f}','F',str,df(1),df(2)); case 'P' STATstr = sprintf('%s^{%0.2f}','PPM',df(1)); end %-Compute (unfiltered) SPM pointlist for masked conjunction requested %======================================================================= fprintf('\t%-32s: %30s\n','SPM computation','...initialising') %-# %-Compute conjunction as minimum of SPMs %----------------------------------------------------------------------- Z = Inf; for i = Ic Z = min(Z,spm_get_data(xCon(i).Vspm,XYZ)); end % P values for False Discovery FDR rate computation (all search voxels) %======================================================================= switch STAT case 'T' Ps = (1 - spm_Tcdf(Z,df(2))).^n; case 'P' Ps = (1 - Z).^n; case 'F' Ps = (1 - spm_Fcdf(Z,df)).^n; end %-Compute mask and eliminate masked voxels %----------------------------------------------------------------------- for i = Im fprintf('%s%30s',sprintf('\b')*ones(1,30),'...masking') Mask = spm_get_data(xCon(i).Vspm,XYZ); um = spm_u(pm,[xCon(i).eidf,xX.erdf],xCon(i).STAT); if Ex Q = Mask <= um; else Q = Mask > um; end XYZ = XYZ(:,Q); Z = Z(Q); if isempty(Q) fprintf('\n') %-# warning(sprintf('No voxels survive masking at p=%4.2f',pm)) break end end %-clean up interface %----------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf('\t%-32s: %30s\n','SPM computation','...done') %-# spm('Pointer','Arrow') %======================================================================= % - H E I G H T & E X T E N T T H R E S H O L D S %======================================================================= %-Height threshold - classical inference %----------------------------------------------------------------------- u = -Inf; k = 0; if STAT ~= 'P' %-Get height threshold %------------------------------------------------------------------- str = 'FWE|FDR|none'; % str = 'FWE|none'; % Use this line to disable FDR threshold switch spm_input('p value adjustment to control','+1','b',str,[],1) case 'FWE' % family-wise false positive rate %--------------------------------------------------------------- u = spm_input('p value (family-wise error)','+0','r',0.05,1,[0,1]); u = spm_uc(u,df,STAT,R,n,S); case 'FDR' % False discovery rate %--------------------------------------------------------------- u = spm_input('p value (false discovery rate)','+0','r',0.05,1,[0,1]); u = spm_uc_FDR(u,df,STAT,n,VspmSv,0); otherwise %-NB: no adjustment % p for conjunctions is p of the conjunction SPM %--------------------------------------------------------------- u = spm_input(['threshold {',STAT,' or p value}'],'+0','r',0.001,1); if u <= 1; u = spm_u(u^(1/n),df,STAT); end end %-Height threshold - Bayesian inference %----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif STAT == 'P' u = spm_input(['p value threshold for PPM'],'+0','r',.95,1); end % (if STAT) %-Calculate height threshold filtering %------------------------------------------------------------------- Q = find(Z > u); %-Apply height threshold %------------------------------------------------------------------- Z = Z(:,Q); XYZ = XYZ(:,Q); if isempty(Q) warning(sprintf('No voxels survive height threshold u=%0.2g',u)) end %-Extent threshold (disallowed for conjunctions) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~isempty(XYZ) & nc == 1 %-Get extent threshold [default = 0] %------------------------------------------------------------------- k = spm_input('& extent threshold {voxels}','+1','r',0,1,[0,Inf]); %-Calculate extent threshold filtering %------------------------------------------------------------------- A = spm_clusters(XYZ); Q = []; for i = 1:max(A) j = find(A == i); if length(j) >= k; Q = [Q j]; end end % ...eliminate voxels %------------------------------------------------------------------- Z = Z(:,Q); XYZ = XYZ(:,Q); if isempty(Q) warning(sprintf('No voxels survive extent threshold k=%0.2g',k)) end else k = 0; end % (if ~isempty(XYZ)) %======================================================================= % - E N D %======================================================================= fprintf('\t%-32s: %30s\n','SPM computation','...done') %-# %-Assemble output structures of unfiltered data %======================================================================= xSPM = struct('swd', swd,... 'title', titlestr,... 'Z', Z,... 'n', n,... 'STAT', STAT,... 'df', df,... 'STATstr', STATstr,... 'Ic', Ic,... 'Im', Im,... 'pm', pm,... 'Ex', Ex,... 'u', u,... 'k', k,... 'XYZ', XYZ,... 'XYZmm', SPM.xVol.M(1:3,:)*[XYZ; ones(1,size(XYZ,2))],... 'S', SPM.xVol.S,... 'R', SPM.xVol.R,... 'FWHM', SPM.xVol.FWHM,... 'M', SPM.xVol.M,... 'iM', SPM.xVol.iM,... 'DIM', SPM.xVol.DIM,... 'VOX', VOX,... 'Vspm', VspmSv,... 'Ps', Ps); % RESELS per voxel (density) if it exists %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if isfield(SPM,'VRpv'), xSPM.VRpv = SPM.VRpv; end