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Professor Ian Walker

Phone: 44 (0)24 7652 3054
Fax: 44 (0)24 7652 3032
Room: S2.109

Office hours: Thurs 3-4, Fri 11-12

Open Day slides for prospective undergraduates

Postgrad talk

Research interests

Labour Economics, Economics of Education, Applied Econometrics, and Public Economics

My major research interests are in the empirical analysis of the labour market, the economics of education, and economic aspects of social policy issues. For example, my research has addressed issues such as: taxation, welfare programmes and work incentives; the rate of return to investments in education; and the effect of child support arrangements on the probability of parental separation.

I have a developing interest in the relationship between parental background, such as household income and parental education, and child outcomes such as their education and health. I have a developing interest in health insurance.

I have had a long-standing interest in the analysis of gambling behaviour. My research on the economics of lotteries has been published in: the Economic Journal 2001, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 2000, Journal of Public Economics 1999, Oxford Bulletin 1999, and Economic Policy 1998.


EC331 Research in Applied Economics
MSc Research Methods Module 
EC914 Health Economics

Other responsibilities

Research Fellow Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany. ( IZA)
Research Fellow Institute for the Study of Social Change, University College Dublin (ISSC)

Current PhD. Students

Matt Dickson  Returns to education
Guisseppe Migali  Education, risk and policy
Alfonso Diez  Marriage
Priscillia Hunt Immigration
Vincent O'Sullivan Education
Asako Ohinato Fertility