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About half the UK population aged 16-64 are women, yet, average hourly earnings for women working full-time are 10% lower, and for women working part-time much lower still, than for men working full-time. These are just two indications that the gender divide in the UK still exists.

Here you will find links to a range of resources about different dimensions of gender inequality in the UK and Europe. This is a huge topic and we have produced a tailored NGRF resource on Women and the Labour Market (Bimrose and Brown, 2011) plus some possible lines of investigation you may wish to pursue.

You may also wish to use the LMI Future Trends section of this website, which is organised under various sectors. Each includes a section dedicated to equal opportunities issues, and where available this incorporates data on gender. You are encouraged to visit and use the resources available: for example: equal opportunities issues in relation to employment in the education, libraries and information sector. You may also look at the STEM careers learning module on this site.

In Women and the Labour Market (Bimrose and Brown, 2011) you will find materials relating to the broader context of understanding inequality, gender mainstreaming, the role of women in the labour market, career theories and their implications for practice, together with a more extended listing of relevant resources. The material outlined below are just offering some ways you might like to start examining issues relating to gender inequality.

Some Web Resources for pursuing possible lines of investigation on gender inequality