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E-portfolio references

Agra, M.J., Gewerc, A., Montero, L. (2002). El portafolios como herramienta de análisis en experiencias de formación on line y presenciales. Paper presented at II Congreso de Tecnologías de la Información en la educación y la ciudadanía: una visión crítica, Barcelona.

Al Kahtani, S. (1999). Electronic Portfolios in ESL Writing: An Alternative Approach. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 12(3), 261-268

Alonso, L. y Blázquez, F. (en prensa). Herramientas para la evaluación online: el portafolios y los espacios de trabajo colaborativo. Una experiencia en el marco europeo de educación superior. Actas del Congreso Internacional de Blogs y Periodismo en la Red. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Banks, B. (2004). E-Portfolios: Their Use and Benefits. A White Paper of the FD Learning Tribal Techonology Company

Barrett, H. & Wilkerson, J. (2004). Conflicting Paradigms in Electronic Portfolio Approaches. Consulta del 17 Julio de 2006 en.

Barrett, H. (2006). Authentic Assessment with Electronic Portfolios using Common Software and Web 2.0 Tools.

Brown, C. (2004). Design, Development, and Evaluation of Electronic Portfolios for Advanced Degree Programs in Technology and School. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service Nº ED485119)

Cambridge, Barbara (2004) “Electronic Portfolios: Why Now?” Educause Live Teleconference, February 11, 2004

Capraro, M. (2003). Electronic Teaching Portfolios: Technology Skills + Portfolio Development = Powerful Preservice Teachers. (ERIC Documetn Reproduction Service NºED476367)

Freeman, D. & Freeman, Y. (1994) Whole Language Principles for Bilingual Learning: Under the Whole Language Umbrella. Urban, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.

Kankaanranta , M. (2001). Constructing digital portfolios: teachers evolving capabilities in the use of information and communications technology. Teacher Development, 5(2)

Light, P. (2004, November). Introducing the Electronic Portfolio: The University of Waterloo’s Competency Portfolio Project. Paper presented to University of Waterloo ePortfolio Landscapes, Waterloo.

Meeus, W. (2006). Open source eportfolio: development and implementation of an institution-wide electronic portfolio platform for students. Educational Media International, 43(2), 133–145

NLII - National Learning Infrastructure Initiative (2003). Mission, Goals and Objectives, and Strategies.

Norton, P. & Wiburg, K. (1998) Teaching with Technology. Orlando: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.

Osportfolio (2006). E-protfolio software

Pachiderm (2006).E-protfolio software

Paulson, F.L. & Paulson, P. (1994) “Assessing Portfolios Using the Constructivist Paradigm” in Fogarty, R. (ed.) (1996) Student Portfolios. Palatine: IRI Skylight Training & Publishing

Van Looy, L., Goegebeur, W. & Vrijsen, M. (2000) Zelfstandig, reflecterende leraren. Van opleiding naar beroep. (Brussels, Belgium, VUBPRESS).


WIKIPEDIA (2006). Portfolio in education and learning.

WIKIPEDIA (2006). Webblog.

WIKIPEDIA (2006). Wiki.

Yancey, K. & Weiser, I. (1997) ‘Situating portfolios: An introduction’, in K. Yancey & I. Weiser (eds) Situating Portfolios: Four Perspectives. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, pp.1–17