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Jonathan Clarke

Research Fellow in Resilient Design, Planning and Urban Governance

Email: j dot r dot l dot clarke at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: +44 (0) 24 7652 2852
Room: Ramphal 3.10/12

Dr Jonathan Clarke is a Research Fellow in the Resilient Cities Laboratory. His work considers the roles of design, planning and governance in identifying and responding to future urban challenges, with a particular focus upon comparative, international security arrangements and deliberative approaches to local decision making.

His contribution to the Horizon 2020-funded RESILENS (Realising European Resilience for Critical Infrastructure ) project reflects upon how the resilience of critical infrastructure might be enhanced, how a wider range of stakeholders might be integrated and how social factors can extend risk management practices, as means to initiate more transformative practice and long-term thinking within the sector. He joined PAIS and the ResCityLab as a Doctoral Research Student in 2013 contributing to the DESURBS and HARMONISE FP7 Research projects, where his research explored the role that urban design and governance might make to enhanced city resilience, based upon on an inductive approach of learning from practice.

In addition to his academic work, Jonathan is an experienced urban designer, planner and chartered landscape architect, specialising in regeneration, masterplanning, environmental impact assessment and public realm design. He is a professional practice examiner for the Landscape Institute, a design expert for MADE and an external tutor at the University of Sheffield’s Department of Landscape.

Recent and Forthcoming Publications

Coaffee, J. and Clarke, J.R.L. (2017) “Resilient Urbanism 2.0: Designing for risk and uncertainty.” LA+ Journal: RISK Issue, Spring 2017.

Clarke, J.R.L. (2016) “From Maladaption to Adaption: A Resilient Urban Planning Paradigm.” In: Chandler, D. and Coaffee, J. (eds.) ‘The Routledge Handbook of International Resilience’ Routledge, London.

Coaffee, J. and Clarke, J.R.L (2016) "Critical infrastructure lifelines and the politics of anthropocentric resilience." Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses,

Coaffee, J., Clarke, J.R.L. and Davis, P. (2016) "A HARMONISE’d approach to building security-driven urban resilience: a call to arms." Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, Vol. 21(1), pp.73-80.

Coaffee, J. and Clarke, J.R.L. (2015) "Viewpoint: On implementing Urban Resilience, Town Planning Review." 86(3), pp. 249-255.

Jonathan Clarke