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There are four major strands to my research:

  • Nuclear Politics and Policy: Recent work on the origins of Japan's nuclear programme and its prospects for the future post-Fukushima. I plan to develop this into comparative work on the adoption / non-adoption of nuclear power across a range of countries. In that regard, I am currently working on the politics of nuclear power in the United States of America, and particularly on visual representations of danger and opportunity. I am in the very early stages of a project examining the long term disposal of nuclear waste.
  • The Political Economy of International Trade: Most recently I have been working on Indian Trade Policy and, in particular, India's efforts to secure what I call 'developmental multilateralism' at the WTO. This work is co-written with Haris Efstathopoulos (Aberystwyth) and our latest paper focusses on the issue of food security.
  • Regionalism: This work has examined both the theory and practice of the rise of ‘new regionalism’ in international politics. It has focused primarily on East Asia but embraces also regional projects in the core of the world economy and across the North-South divide.
  • Government-Business-NGO Relations: This work explores the unfolding relationship between states, inter- and non-governmental organisations and business in the context of regionalisation and globalisation. In particular, it has examined the role of the International Chamber of Commerce as a key actor in the global political economy and, since the announcement of a ‘Global Compact’ between business and the UN, as a key interlocutor between the public and private realms.