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Useful Resources

The following documents and websites provide useful background material on the debate.

Information from Government departments

Houses of Parliament

Institute for Government

The Institute for Government is looking at how the mayoral model can be made to work effectively and whether the government’s proposed model will achieve the intended aim of decentralising power and strengthening accountability at the local level. Initially, it is focusing on three questions for mayoral governance:

  1. What lessons can we learn from existing mayoral authorities?
  2. How can the current mayoral model be improved?
  3. What role can elected mayors play in local economic growth?

Centre for Cities

The Centre for Cities has undertaken a range of research into directly elected mayors, including its joint report with the Institue for Government: Big shot or long shot? How elected mayors can help drive economic growth in England's cities

They have also long made the case for Metro Mayors, covering city regions rather than single metropolitan councils.

The Centre for Cities have produced a range of reports and documents relating to Mayors and City Leadership including devolution of further powers to the Mayor of London.

(PDF Document) A Mayor for Greater Manchester
(PDF Document) Extension of the Mayor of London's Powers
(PDF Document) The Mayor of London's Proposals for Devolution
(PDF Document) The Million Vote Mandate
(PDF Document) City Leadership: Web Annex 4

Torino City Report

Siôn Simon, the former MP and Government minister who is running for the Labour nomination in Birmingham, points to the Torino City Report and the model behind it as one example of how an industrial city has reinvented itself through a new approach to governance.

The New Local Government Network

The New Local Government Network brings together key opinion formers eager to discuss new ideas across the local government sector, NLGN an independent think tank committed to promoting the decentralisation of power, public service reform, enhancing local governance and empowering communities.

It was founded in 1996 by a group of senior local government figures whose aim was to make local government more relevant and credible to local people. It campaigns for a more devolved constitutional settlement in the UK, to drive forward the localism agenda and press for further decentralisation of power from Whitehall. The Network believes that devolved decision-making leads to more effective, efficient and responsive public services. Local areas face different challenges, and require different approaches to tackling them. We believe the closer the decision-making is to those affected, the better the outcome.

The Network has established a Mayoral Forum to provide practical support to the eleven directly elected Mayors already in place in England.

Useful Links & Resources