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HR Excellence in Research Award

The University of Warwick has held the HREiR Award since 2012.

The Vitae HR Excellence in Research award recognises the effective implementation of the 'European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers' which set out principles for good working conditions for researchers.

You can find more information about the Award on the Vitae website.

The University has been working towards implementing the Concordat since 2009, during which time it has improved and enhanced existing policies and activities as well as introduced new initiatives for PDRAs, Research Staff and technicians such as dedicated induction programmes, mentoring schemes, and transferable skills training.

Organisations that hold the HR Excellence in Research Award are required to undertake an assessment of their progress in achieving the actions/outcomes set out in their action/implementation plan every two years. Below you can find the University's assessment reports and action plans:

“Warwick’s strategy is to ensure that our research is internationally leading, provocative and impactful; to succeed in this, we need to keep investing in our staff and students, in our facilities and infrastructure, and in our research communities, fostering collaborative and interdisciplinary ways of working.”

Professor Pam Thomas (Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research during our six year review submission).