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Research Governance and Ethics Committee

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Jump down to Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference
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Membership 2023/24

A Pro-Vice-Chancellor or Academic Vice-President, or nominee (Chair)

Professor Jon Coaffee

The Chairs of each of the four Sub-Committees of the Research Governance and Ethics Committee

Dr Alan Dolan
Professor David Ellard
Professor James Mason
Rachel Sandby-Thomas

One academic member of staff from within the Faculty of Arts, nominated by the relevant Faculty Board and approved by the Senate, typically being the Chair of Faculty Research Committee

Professor Jeremy Ahearne

Two academic members of staff from within the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine, nominated by the relevant Faculty Board and approved by the Senate, typically being the Chair of Faculty Research Committee and including a representative from Warwick Medical School

Professor Andrew McAinsh


One academic member of staff from within the Faculty of Social Sciences, nominated by the relevant Faculty Board and approved by the Senate, typically being the Chair of Faculty Research Committee

Professor Christopher Moran

Three senior Academic members of staff, appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate, with expertise in relevant areas

Dr Briony Jones

Professor David Roper

Professor Tom Sorell

Two independent members with expertise in the area, appointed by the Council, who may be serving independent members of the Council

Dr Debra Malpass

The Human Tissue Act (HTA) Designated Individual (DI)

Professor Geraldine Hartshorne

One postgraduate student, nominated by the Board of Graduate Studies

Yvette Wang

The Director of HR, or nominee

Dr Harriet Richmond

The Director of Legal and Compliance & Data Protection Officer, or nominee

Rachel Gower

The Director of Research and Impact Services

Dr Navdeep Bains

Up to two co-opted internal members, appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate

Professor Heather Draper

Professor Jonathan Millar

Chief Information and Transformation Officer (CITO), or nominee


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Terms of Reference

(a) To recommend to the Council and the Senate such policies as may be required on matters of research governance, ethics, clinical research governance, and trusted research, and to establish related procedures in line with such policies, ensuring alignment with associated statutory, regulatory and legal requirements and the University’s Research Strategy, consulting the University Research Committee and other committees as appropriate.

(b) To provide institutional oversight to the University’s compliance with the ‘Concordat to support research integrity’, receiving reports from academic departments and sub-committees as required, and advising the University of any potential areas for improvement and development.

(c) To provide the Council and the Senate with periodic reports on the work of the Committee and on the operation of the University’s research governance policies and procedures, inclusive of the University’s Research Code of Practice.

(d) To consider reports from, and to provide periodic reports on the work of the Committee to other relevant bodies as required, including the University Research Committee.

(e) To advise the Council and the Senate of any policies that may be required in relation to accepting funds from particular funders of research, in conjunction with the University’s Fundraising Ethics Committee if appropriate.

(f) To review, as required, the University's Codes of Practice on Research Conduct and Research Misconduct and to recommend to the Council and the Senate proposals for their approval and amendment.

(g) To approve research governance and ethics arrangements of the Research Governance and Ethics Sub-Committees and academic departments.

(h) To approve the clinical research governance, sponsorship and quality assurance oversight arrangements of the University Sponsorship Committee and relevant academic departments.

(i) To receive regular reports on the activities of the Research Governance and Ethics Sub-Committees established to oversee procedures to approve and monitor research activities with potential ethical implications.

(j) To receive regular reports on the activities of the University Sponsorship Committee, established to provide review and approval of the University sponsorship of research involving the NHS and to provide quality assurance oversight of the University’s sponsorship portfolio.

(k) To provide strategic direction and oversight of the University’s policies and procedures with regards to Trusted Research, with responsibility for monitoring the Trusted Research action plan, developed to support safe and secure international research partnerships, and for reporting to the Council.

(l) To provide institutional oversight of the University’s Export Control policy, to receive regular Export Control Quality Assurance Reports and to monitor compliance with Export Control Regulations.

(m) To receive an annual report from the University’s Designated Individual (HTA Research), ensuring that the requirements for licensing relevant activities under the Human Tissue Act are met.

(n) To consider any issues relating to research governance, clinical research governance and ethics brought forward by members of staff of the University, as seen appropriate by the Chair of the Committee.

(o) To act as the final body of appeal against decisions of sub-committees to reject research on ethical and/or reputational grounds.

(p) To support the sub-committees in the event of a regulatory inspection relating to research governance, clinical research governance and ethics.

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Reporting Structure

The Research Governance and Ethics Committee is a joint committee of the Council and the Senate, typically reporting through the Senate in the first instance.

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary: Carole Harris, Head of Research Governance (Research and Impact Services)

Assistant Secretary: Mathew Gane, Research Governance and Quality Assurance Manager (Research and Impact Services)

Please use in the first instance to make contact with the Research Governance and Ethics Committee Secretariat.

Papers for consideration by the Research Governance and Ethics Committee should be submitted to the Secretary two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

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Dates of meetings of the Research Governance and Ethics Committee can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

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For further details about the operation of the University's Governance and Ethics Committees and the proposals that need to be considered, please see the further guidance that is available here.