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Health and Safety Policy

The Health and Safety PolicyLink opens in a new window outlines in broad terms the University's Statement of Intent, Organisation for Health and Safety and Arrangements for the management of Health and Safety as required by specific University Regulations and Ordinance. This Policy is supported by further topic specific Policy and Arrangements available via the University's Health, Safety and Wellbeing web-pages.

Under the Policy, and under the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, there are duties placed on all 'Employees' at the University, in addition to those placed on the University as the 'Employer'.

In particular, those with leadership, management or supervisory elements to their role need to fulfil their responsibilities in relation to health and safety by making themselves aware of, and acting on, the requirements contained within the Leadership and Management of H&S document (see link on the right of this page).

Statutory information for all employees is provided in "Health and Safety Law - what you need to know" published by the Health and Safety Executive and able to be purchased through various stationery suppliers. This guidance outlines the University's duties, and also informs employees what is required of them, as follows:

  • Take reasonable care of your own and other people’s health and safety
  • Follow any health and safety training you have received
  • Co-operate with your employer on health and safety
  • Tell your manager, supervisor or health and safety representative if you think that work or inadequate precautions are putting anyone’s health and safety at serious risk.

The Health and Safety Law Poster should be displayed on health and safety notice boards with appropriate local information added to the poster. For the section entitled, 'Your health and safety representatives' this should ideally include details of your Trade Union representative(s) for health and safety or other local health and safety representatives or health and safety 'champions' or 'leads' that have been enlisted to support the Department (or building) on health and safety matters. For the section entitled, 'Other health and safety contacts', this should refer to the Health and Safety Department and any representatives that have been specifically allocated to your Department (or building). The notice boards should be located in a prominent position.

Departments must ensure that their Health and Safety Noticeboards remain up to date with relevant information. Notice boards should include as a minimum, the Health and Safety Law Poster, the latest University Insurance Certificate, Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) information and First Aider and Fire Warden (or tag system) information relevant to the building. The notice board image below shows an example of these documents: