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The Management Information (MI) service strategy is to :-

  1. Maximise the return to the University from the investment in the Cognos tools by providing effective Management Information Products including reports, data analysis services or business modelling tools.

    In order to achieve this the team will:-
    • Contact departments across the University to publicise the MI service demonstrating where it has already been applied successfully and the benefits acrued. Where a potential area for applying the service is identified work with the department to develop a proposal which can be taken to the MI Service board.
    • Convene the MI Service Board on a termly basis. The service board will act as the forum to scrutinise proposals competing for resource, it's prioritization will determine the work schedule of the MI team.
    • Build an appropriate infrastructure for the robust and consistent deliver of the MI service.
  2. Maximise the effectiveness of the team by reducing its involvement in the day to day running of the service.

    In order to achieve this the team will:-
  • Provide self service flexible reports which allow users to select the appropriate relevant information
  • Provide self service user management tools, devolving user administration to the owners of the data
  • Exploit development in the Cognos software to hand control of day to day operations to users.
  • Support staff in departments who are using the MI service and want to develop internal report writing skills