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How do I vet comments from external users?

You may want to have the option to "vet" comments from external (or even all) commenters on your blog. This is quick and easy to set up, but you must be signed in to do so.

Once you are signed in, there should be link on the right of the menu across the top of your blog entitled "Admin". Click this. From the menu that appears, click the "Settings" link:

Settings Link

This should take you to the following menu:

Setting Options

On the drop down list across from "Approve Comments From", you can choose:

  • "Nobody" - this is checked by default and allows anyone with permission to comment on your entry to have their comment posted straight away with no vetting.
  • "Anonymous commenters" - this means that people attempting to post a comment on your entry who are not signed in with a Warwick user code will see the message "This comment is awaiting approval by the author of this entry" upon submission.
  • "All commenters" - this means that anyone (signed in or not) attempting to post a comment on your entry will see the message "This comment is awaiting approval by the author of this entry" upon submission.

When you've decided which group's comments you want to vet, click the "Update" button at the bottom.

Once these setting have been put in place, any comments that meet the criteria for approval (as detailed above) will appear only to you, with a link underneath to either approve or decline the comment - this allows you to vet the comments of either external users or all users as you wish.