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Tabula 75 (Rhenium) - Thursday 7 August 2014

Tabula 75 (Rhenium) was released on Thursday 7th August 2014. The release included:

  1. Improvements to Small Group Teaching. If you have small groups for multiple modules that have the same students, you can now create reusable sets of small groups and link to them so you only need to update the allocations in one place.
  2. Further refinements to the Small Group Teaching user interface, e.g. suggestion of room in the 'Location' field and user interface improvements
  3. Minor changes to Student Profiles, e.g. allowing students to be restricted by route in a sub-department
  4. Further refinements to Attendance Monitoring e.g. clearer user interface when no students are on a scheme yet

Technical release notes:


  • [TAB-1364] - Allow academic weeks outside of term times to be selected for small group events
  • [TAB-2535] - UI tweaks to small group creation

Implement Code

  • [TAB-1062] - Don't automatically add additional tutor field for event
  • [TAB-1064] - Suggest rooms in the 'Location' field
  • [TAB-1068] - Validation errors in SGT creation screen are hard to see
  • [TAB-2540] - Move event creation into a different screen
  • [TAB-2541] - Add "default properties" to events screen to set defaults for new events


  • [TAB-2488] - UI has potential to go weird when editing tutor in student profile
  • [TAB-2500] - Specific email not being processed on test
  • [TAB-2517] - Students not displaying as Tier 4
  • [TAB-2521] - Error checking for plagiarism
  • [TAB-2525] - Exception viewing attendance note for unrecorded point
  • [TAB-2530] - NPE enrolling members in small group
  • [TAB-2531] - Students added manually to monitoring scheme appear multiple times in list of students on scheme
  • [TAB-2537] - Clicking 'Add points' takes you back to homepage


  • [TAB-2527] - Show when there are 0 students on scheme
  • [TAB-2543] - Make functionality to create assignments based on SITS easier to find

New Feature

  • [TAB-2499] - Allow students to be restricted by routes in sub-department


  • [TAB-2533] - Functional test failures
  • [TAB-2534] - Unit test failures related to new academic year switchover