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Retrieve an assignment

Returns an assignment object if a valid identifier was provided. When requesting the ID of an assignment that has been deleted, a HTTP 404 Not Found will be returned.

Permission requirements

The user must have Permissions.Submission.Read ("View a coursework submission") on the assignment. By default, roles that have this permission are:

  • Marker
  • Module Auditor
  • Module Assistant
  • Module Manager
  • Departmental Administrator
  • User Access Manager

Information about API permissions



URL substitution variables

:moduleCode The lowercase form of the module code for the department submitting the report, e.g. cs118
:assignmentId The unique identifier for the assignment

Request parameters

filter Optional Filters the student information returned in the students parameter. Valid values are:
  • AllStudents (default) - All students
  • Submitted (only where collectSubmissions=true) - All students who have submitted an assignment)
  • SubmittedBetweenDates (only where collectSubmissions=true) - All students who submitted between two date/times, specified as two parameters:
  • OnTime (only where collectSubmissions=true) - All students who submitted on time
  • Late (only where collectSubmissions=true) - All students who submitted late
  • WithExtension (only where collectSubmissions=true and allowExtensions=true) - All students with extensions
  • WithinExtension (only where collectSubmissions=true and allowExtensions=true) - All students who submitted within extension
  • WithWordCount (only where collectSubmissions=true and wordCountMin and wordCountMax are set) - All students who submitted with word count between two values (inclusive), specified as two parameters:
    • filterParameters[minWords] Required
    • filterParameters[maxWords] Required
  • SubmissionNotDownloaded (only where collectSubmissions=true) - All submissions not downloaded by staff
  • Unsubmitted (only where collectSubmissions=true) - All students who have not submitted an assignment
  • NotReleasedForMarking (only where collectSubmissions=true and markingWorkflow is defined) - All submissions that have not been released for marking
  • NotMarked (only where collectSubmissions=true and markingWorkflow is defined) - All submissions not marked
  • MarkedByFirst (only where collectSubmissions=true and markingWorkflow is defined) - All submissions marked by first marker
  • MarkedBySecond (only where collectSubmissions=true and markingWorkflow is a workflow that has a second marker) - All submissions marked by second marker
  • CheckedForPlagiarism (only where collectSubmissions=true and plagiarism detection is enabled for the Department) - All submissions checked for plagiarism
  • NotCheckedForPlagiarism (only where collectSubmissions=true and plagiarism detection is enabled for the Department) - All submissions not checked for plagiarism
  • MarkedPlagiarised (only where collectSubmissions=true) - All submissions marked as plagiarised
  • WithOverlapPercentage (only where collectSubmissions=true and plagiarism detection is enabled for the Department) - submissions with a plagiarism overlap percentage between two values (inclusive), specified as two parameters:
    • filterParameters[minOverlap] Required
    • filterParameters[maxOverlap] Required
  • NoFeedback - All students with no feedback
  • FeedbackNotReleased - All students with unpublished feedback
  • FeedbackNotDownloaded - All students who haven't downloaded their feedback
includePWD Optional If set to true, students who are permanently withdrawn from the University but who were registered for the assignment are returned in the response. The default behaviour (or when this parameter is set to false) is to only return current students.

Example request


Response parameters

An unsuccessful response will be returned in the standard format. A successful response will return the HTTP code 200 OK and the following parameters:

success Boolean true
status The string "ok"
assignment An assignment object representing the assignment
genericFeedback The generic feedback for the assignment, as a string, if set
students An array of assignment student objects representing the students' submissions and feedback

Example response

  "success": true,
  "status": "ok",
  "assignment": {
    "id": "2552f556-6210-4de7-bb8e-01a3180f609e",
    "archived": false,
    "academicYear": "13/14",
    "name": "Coursework",
    "studentUrl": "",
    "collectMarks": true,
    "markingWorkflow": null,
    "feedbackTemplate": null,
    "summative": true,
    "dissertation": false,
    "collectSubmissions": true,
    "displayPlagiarismNotice": false,
    "restrictSubmissions": true,
    "allowLateSubmissions": true,
    "allowResubmission": true,
    "allowExtensions": true,
    "fileAttachmentLimit": 1,
    "fileAttachmentTypes": [],
    "submissionFormText": "Submit this",
    "wordCountMin": null,
    "wordCountMax": null,
    "wordCountConventions": "",
    "submissions": 1,
    "unapprovedExtensions": 0,
    "studentMembership": {
      "total": 1,
      "linkedSits": 0,
      "included": 1,
      "excluded": 0,
      "users": [
    "sitsLinks": [],
    "openEnded": false,
    "opened": true,
    "closed": true,
    "openDate": "2013-11-05T00:00:00Z",
    "closeDate": "2014-01-27T10:00:00Z",
    "feedbackDeadline": "2014-02-24",
    "feedback": 1,
    "unpublishedFeedback": 1
  "students": [
      "state": {
        "progress": {
          "percentage": 87,
          "health": "Warning",
          "stateCode": "workflow.ViewOnlineFeedback.notViewed",
          "state": "Feedback not viewed by student"
        "nextStage": {
          "name": "ViewOnlineFeedback",
          "action": "Online feedback needs viewing by 1111111"
        "stages": [
            "health": "Warning",
            "stage": "Submission",
            "stateCode": "workflow.Submission.late",
            "preconditionsMet": true,
            "state": "Submitted late",
            "completed": true,
            "action": "Assignment needs submitting"
            "health": "Good",
            "stage": "CheckForPlagiarism",
            "stateCode": "workflow.CheckForPlagiarism.notChecked",
            "preconditionsMet": true,
            "state": "Not checked for plagiarism",
            "completed": false,
            "action": "Submission needs checking for plagiarism"
            "health": "Good",
            "stage": "DownloadSubmission",
            "stateCode": "workflow.DownloadSubmission.notDownloaded",
            "preconditionsMet": true,
            "state": "Submission not downloaded",
            "completed": false,
            "action": "Submission needs downloading"
            "health": "Good",
            "stage": "AddMarks",
            "stateCode": "workflow.AddMarks.marked",
            "preconditionsMet": true,
            "state": "Marked",
            "completed": true,
            "action": "Marks need adding"
            "health": "Good",
            "stage": "AddFeedback",
            "stateCode": "workflow.AddFeedback.uploaded",
            "preconditionsMet": true,
            "state": "Feedback uploaded",
            "completed": true,
            "action": "Feedback needs uploading"
            "health": "Good",
            "stage": "ReleaseFeedback",
            "stateCode": "workflow.ReleaseFeedback.released",
            "preconditionsMet": true,
            "state": "Feedback published",
            "completed": true,
            "action": "Feedback needs publishing"
            "health": "Warning",
            "stage": "ViewOnlineFeedback",
            "stateCode": "workflow.ViewOnlineFeedback.notViewed",
            "preconditionsMet": true,
            "state": "Feedback not viewed by student",
            "completed": false,
            "action": "Online feedback needs viewing by 1111111"
            "health": "Good",
            "stage": "DownloadFeedback",
            "stateCode": "workflow.DownloadFeedback.notDownloaded",
            "preconditionsMet": true,
            "state": "Feedback not downloaded by student",
            "completed": false,
            "action": "Feedback needs downloading by 1111111"
      "feedback": {
        "id": "5787f560-5fec-473c-9011-ece6ab756825",
        "downloaded": false,
        "onlineViewed": false,
"downloadPdf": "",
"downloadZip": "",
"grade": null,
"genericFeedback": null,
"adjustments": [],
"mark": 81,
"attachments": [],
"comments": null }, "submission": { "suspectPlagiarised": false, "late": true, "wordCount": null, "id": "1d7da991-a199-4f29-a14b-9ac495c58885", "downloaded": false, "authorisedLate": false, "attachments": [ { "filename": "", "id": "5af29f8e-a54c-4caf-b1ec-67ed24dda43b", "originalityReport": null } ], "submittedDate": "2018-12-10T15:35:24Z" }, "universityId": "1111111", "extension": null } ], "genericFeedback": null }

Tabula API Methods