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The StudentAssignment object

The student assignment object returned by Tabula has the following properties:

id A unique identifier for the assignment
academicYear A string representation of the academic year in yy/yy format, e.g. 13/14
name The name of the assignment
studentUrl The URL that a student would go to to submit the assignment or receive feedback
module A JSON object with two properties: code with the short-form module code and name with the module name
hasSubmission true if the student has submitted to the assignment, false otherwise
hasFeedback true if feedback/marks have been returned to the student, false otherwise
hasExtension true if the student has requested or been granted an extension, false otherwise
hasActiveExtension true if the student has a currently active extension, false otherwise
extended true if the deadline has been extended for this student and they are currently in that extension period, false otherwise
extensionRequested true if the student has requested an extension that hasn't been granted, false otherwise
submittable true if the assignment is currently accepting submissions, false otherwise
resubmittable true if the assignment currently accepts resubmissions, false otherwise
summative true if the assignment is summative, false if it is formative
late true if the student is not in an extension period and the assignment is closed, false otherwise
allowLateSubmissions true if late submission is allowed for students who have not previously submitted, false otherwise
allowResubmission true if students are allowed to resubmit up to the deadline, false otherwise
allowExtensions true if students are allowed to request extensions (and the department allows it), false otherwise
fileAttachmentLimit The maximum number of attachments a student can submit. Must be 1 or more
fileAttachmentTypes An array of strings containing file extensions that students are allowed to submit. If empty, students can submit any file
submissionFormText Text displayed to students when submitting
wordCountMin The minimum word count a student must declare to be able to submit, or null if word counts aren't required or there is no lower limit
wordCountMax The maximum word count a student must declare to be able to submit, or null if word counts aren't required or there is no upper limit
wordCountConventions Text displayed to student when they submit their word count
openEnded true if the assignment has no close date, false otherwise
opened true if the assignment's open date has passed, false otherwise
closed true if the assignment's close date has passed, false otherwise
openDate The open date of the assignment in ISO date-time format
closeDate The close date of the assignment in ISO date-time format
submission A student assignment submission object or null if there is no submission
feedback A student assignment feedback object or null if there is no feedback
extension A student assignment extension object or null if there is no extension

The StudentAssignmentSubmission object

id A unique identifier for the submission - this is used for submission receipts
late true if the submission was late, false otherwise
authorisedLate true if the submission was late but within an extension period, false otherwise
attachments An array of JSON objects with two properties, id with a unique identifier and filename
submittedDate The submitted date in ISO date-time format
closeDate The close date of the assignment in ISO date-time format
wordCount The declared word count of the submission, or null

The StudentAssignmentFeedback object

id A unique identifier for the feedback
mark The given mark for the feedback, or null
grade The given grade for the feedback, or null
adjustments An array of adjustments applied to the submission, including reason and comments
genericFeedback Feedback given to anybody who submitted to the assignment
comments Feedback given specifically to this student
attachments An array of JSON objects with two properties, id with a unique identifier and filename
downloadZip The URL that a student would go to to download all feedback attachments
downloadPdf The URL that a student would go to to download a PDF version of the feedback

Tabula API Methods