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Create a submission

Create a new submission on an assignment on behalf of a student.

Permission requirements

The user must have Permissions.Submission.CreateOnBehalfOf ("Add a coursework submission on behalf of another member") on both the assignment and the student. By default, no roles are given this permission - it must be granted by the ITS Web Team to an API user.

Information about API permissions



The request Content-Type must be set to multipart/form-data if attachments are being uploaded inline, or application/json if the attachments API is being used.

URL substitution variables

:moduleCode The lowercase form of the module code for module to create the assignment in, e.g. cs118
:assignmentId The unique identifier for the assignment

Note: Attachment API requirements

There are two ways to interact with this API:

  1. Upload attachments for the submission in advance, using the attachments API, and submit the unique identifiers for those attachments as part of the submission request
  2. Use a multipart submission to submit both the metadata for the submission and the attachments at the same time

Using the multipart API

In order to use the multipart API, the request must be of type multipart/form-data and contain multiple parts:

  • A submission part, of content-type application/json, containing the JSON metadata for the submission
  • At least one attachments part containing the uploaded attachments

Request parameters

As URL query parameters:

universityId Required The university ID of the student that the submission is on behalf of

In the JSON request:

attachments Optional An array of attachment IDs that have bene uploaded via the attachments API (if not using a multipart request). This is Required if using a non-multipart request
wordCount Optional The declared word count for the submission. Required if the assignment requires a word count
useDisability Optional Whether any recorded disability should be visible to anyone administering or marking this assignment

Example request


  "attachments": ['db2e9cae-c594-4005-b755-0dd820747ee0'],
  "wordCount": 3000

Response parameters

An unsuccessful response will be returned in the standard format. A successful response will return the HTTP code 201 Created. The Location header will be the API endpoint of the individual submission, and will return metadata about the submission:

success Boolean true
status The string "ok"
submission The submission object created

Example response

  "success": true,
  "status": "ok",
  "submission": {
    "id": "e322dc9a-3ff8-4ad7-9297-770d3e60194a",
    "submittedDate": "2014-05-06T10:32:43+01:00",
    "suspectPlagiarised": false,
    "late": true,
    "wordCount": 3000,
    "downloaded": true,
    "authorisedLate": false,
    "attachments": [
        "filename": "assignment_cover_sheet.doc",
        "id": "db2e9cae-c594-4005-b755-0dd820747ee0",
        "originalityReport": null

Tabula API Methods