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List all submissions for an assignment

List submissions for an assignment.

Permission requirements

The user must have Permissions.Submission.Read ("View a coursework submission") on the assignment. By default, roles that have this permission are:

  • Marker
  • Module Auditor
  • Module Assistant
  • Module Manager
  • Departmental Administrator
  • User Access Manager

Information about API permissions



URL substitution variables

:moduleCode The lowercase form of the module code for the department submitting the report, e.g. cs118
:assignmentId The unique identifier for the assignment

Example request


Response parameters

An unsuccessful response will be returned in the standard format. A successful response will return the HTTP code 200 OK and the following parameters:

success Boolean true
status The string "ok"
submissions An object mapping student university IDs to a submission object, or null if there is no submission for the student

Example response

  "success": true,
  "status": "ok",
  "submissions": {
    "1170836": {
      "id": "e322dc9a-3ff8-4ad7-9297-770d3e60194a",
      "submittedDate": "2014-05-06T10:32:43+01:00",
      "suspectPlagiarised": false,
      "late": true,
      "wordCount": null,
      "downloaded": true,
      "authorisedLate": false,
      "attachments": [
          "filename": "assignment_cover_sheet.doc",
          "id": "0286bdf6-7e1d-4090-b02e-7e7e3da6283a",
          "originalityReport": {
            "webOverlap": 0,
            "studentOverlap": 38,
            "publicationOverlap": 2,
            "similarity": 2,
            "reportUrl": "",
            "overlap": 38
    "1202827": {
      "id": "f2b59b23-0bb6-4988-86cc-8810d31cc5ae",
      "submittedDate": "2014-05-27T16:32:09+01:00",
      "suspectPlagiarised": false,
      "late": true,
      "wordCount": null,
      "downloaded": true,
      "authorisedLate": false,
      "attachments": [
          "filename": "gc-win.png",
          "id": "34b5e28a-34a0-4bea-81b6-96e404ce1cbc",
          "originalityReport": null
    "0270954": null

Tabula API Methods