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The Small Group Set object

The small group set object returned by Tabula has the following properties:

id A unique identifier for the set of small groups
archived A boolean value, true if the small group set is archived, false otherwise
academicYear A string representation of the academic year in yy/yy format, e.g. 13/14
name The name of the small group set
format The small groups format, one of:
  • seminar - Seminar
  • lab - Lab
  • tutorial - Tutorial
  • project - Project group
  • example - Example Class
  • workshop - Workshop
  • lecture - Lecture
  • meeting - Meeting
  • exam - Exam
allocationMethod The method for allocating students to groups, one of:
  • Manual - Students are manually allocated to groups by an administrator
  • StudentSignUp - Students sign up to an available group
  • Linked - Student membership is linked to allocation from a linked department small group set
  • Random - Students are randomly allocated to groups
releasedToTutors A boolean value, true if the allocations have been released to tutors, false otherwise
releasedToStudents A boolean value, true if the allocations have been released to students, false otherwise
emailTutorsOnChange A boolean value, true if changes should generate an email to tutors, false otherwise
emailStudentsOnChange A boolean value, true if changes should generate an email to students, false otherwise
studentsCanSeeTutorName A boolean value, true if students are allowed to see the name of the event tutor(s), false otherwise
studentsCanSeeOtherMembers A boolean value, true if students are allowed to see the details of students in the same group, false otherwise
defaultMaxGroupSizeEnabled A boolean value, true if newly created groups should use the set default max size, false otherwise
defaultMaxGroupSize If defaultMaxGroupSizeEnabled is true, this is the maximum group size to be used for newly created groups
collectAttendance A boolean value, true if attendance should be collected at events, false otherwise
allowSelfGroupSwitching Only if allocationMethod is StudentSignUp. A boolean value, true if students are allowed to switch groups until sign-up is closed, false otherwise
openForSignups Only if allocationMethod is StudentSignUp. A boolean value, true if sign-up is open, false otherwise
linkedDepartmentGroupSet Only if allocationMethod is Linked. The unique identifier of the linked department group set
studentMembership An object representing the membership of the small group set. Contains four properties:
  • total - the total number of students linked to the small group set
  • linkedSits - the number of students linked to SITS assessment groups
  • included - the number of extra students added to the small group set and not linked to SITS
  • excluded - the number of students who have been manually removed from the membership of the small group set
  • users - an array of the users linked to the small group set. Each element has two keys, userId and universityId
sitsLinks An array of objects representing the active links to SITS membership for the small group set. Each object contains four properties:
  • moduleCode
  • assessmentGroup
  • occurrence
  • sequence
groups An array of small group objects for each group in the set

Tabula API Methods