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Retrieve a Member

Retrieve information about a particular person (staff or student).

Permission requirements

The user must have Permissions.Profiles.Read.Core ("View a member's name, Warwick email, job title and University number") on the member to get the most basic information. By default, every University member, staff and student has this permission globally, as does any student's relationship agent, past or present and route auditors on the student's past or present route.

The user must also meet one of the following:

  • The user is viewing information about themselves; or
  • The user is a member of staff; or
  • The information being retrieved is a member of staff; or
  • The department code of the user matches the department of the member; or
  • The user has Permissions.Profiles.Read.CoreCrossDepartment ("View profiles for any department") on the member.

The information you retrieve will depend on your permissions on the particular member. The Member object includes a table showing what permission is required for which information.

Information about API permissions



URL substitution variables

:universityId The 7-digit university ID of the member to get the timetable for, e.g. 1234567. You can use the special value me to request the currently authenticated user's information

Request parameters

fields Optional A comma-separated list of fields to return from the API. Restricting which fields are returned greatly improves the performance of the API. Example: member.universityId,member.fullName,member.termtimeAddress.line1

Example request


Response parameters

An unsuccessful response will be returned in the standard format. A successful response will return the HTTP code 200 OK and the following parameters:

success Boolean true
status The string "ok"
member A member object

Example response

  "success": true,
  "status": "ok",
  "member": {
    "universityId": "1234567",
    "title": "Mr",
    "firstName": "Staff",
    "fullFirstName": "Staff",
    "lastName": "Member",
    "officialName": "Mr Staff Member",
    "homeDepartment": {
      "code": "xx",
      "name": "XX Services"
    "affiliatedDepartments": [{
      "code": "xx",
      "name": "XX Services"
    "touchedDepartments": [{
      "code": "xx",
      "name": "XX Services"
"email": "", "fullName": "Staff Member", "groupName": "University Staff", "inUseFlag": "Active", "userType": "Staff" } }

Tabula API Methods