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Mark Ancliff, Bucheon Korea

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Location: D1.07 Complexity

Solution of quasipecies models using coherent states

Quasispecies models describe the evolution of an asexually reproducing population subject to random mutation and selection. Individuals are labelled by a DNA-like string of letters of a fixed length N, and the population is described by a distribution function on the set of possible strings. Quasispecies models are a popular starting point for theoretical studies of molecular evolution, and have recently been applied to studies of virus-immune system interactions, evolution in changing environments, and extended to include sexual reproduction.

Two of the most commonly studied quasispecies models can be mapped onto a quantum spin system similar to the one-dimensional quantum Ising model, which allows the application of several techniques from statistical physics. Here I present a new method for calculating the dynamics and equilibrium population distribution in these quasispecies models by constructing a spin coherent-state path integral representation of the evolution operator. In the large N limit a semi-classical approximation gives a description in terms of a classical Hamiltonian function on a sphere. Using this method I will present several new results relevant to biological systems including evolution of the mutation rate, adaptation in changing environments, and a model of escape from adaptive conflict.

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Open Funder Deadlines

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UKRI Deadlines

Due to the implementation of a new UKRI funding system (TFS) there will be a fixed quarterly deadlines for some grants which would previously have been on open calls, this is to allow necessary system amendments and updates.

The first deadline after implementation will be 28th September 2023 and applies to those calls listed below:

EPSRC New Investigator Award

EPSRC Network Grant

EPSRC Post Doctoral Fellowship

EPSRC Open Fellowship

EPSRC Open Plus Fellowship

EPSRC Working with overseas scientists

EPSRC Standard research grant

EPSRC Discipline hopping in ICT

EPSRC Overseas travel grant