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Reference to Work on Polanyi in the Colombo Telegraph

A piece that I recorded for Warwick's Knowledge Centre along with Ben Clift and Christopher Holmes was cited in a lengthy article by Kumar David first published in the Colombo Telegraph on June 17th 2018 and then reposted shortly after that on the Monthly Review Online website. The article by Kumar David seeks to apply Polanyi's theory to understanding the economic approach of the British Labour Party.

Fri 22 Jun 2018, 08:31 | Tags: online feature, Colombo Telegraph

University of Warwick Knowledge Centre Think Piece on Karl Polanyi's Great Transformation

This is a piece that was recorded and written up by the University of Warwick's Knowledge Centre as part of their 'Game Changer' series. In it, academics from around the institution are able to nominate a book that transformed the way in which discussions were able to take place in their part of the subject field. Along with my colleagues Christopher Holmes and Ben Clift, I chose to talk about Karl Polanyi's Great Transformation. 2014 marks the 70th anniversary of the publication of the first edition of that book, and it continues to inspire academics and students alike - in the words of my project - to rethink the market. 

Fri 26 Sep 2014, 09:39 | Tags: online feature