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Create a news page

Publish news items on your site to keep visitors updated about your work and achievements.

  1. Go to the page under which you want to create a news page.

  2. Go to Edit > Create a new page:

    The SiteBuilder page 'Edit' menu, with the 'Create a new page' option highlighted

    Note: To create new pages, you need edit or admin permissions for the parent page.

  3. Select Change page template to expand the options, then select News:

    The 'Create new page' screen, with the option to create a news page highlighted

  4. Set the news options:

    News page settings

    • Number of recent items: Set the number of items that will appear when the page loads. Visitors can view older items via links at the bottom of the page.

    • Display format: How news items will be arranged on the page:

      • Select List to display each news item on its own row:

        An example of a SiteBuilder news page in List view

      • Selecting Tiles will display news items in blocks:

        A news page with the Display format set to 'Tiles'

        Note: If you're using the Tile format, we recommend you upload an image for each news item. If no image is uploaded a stock image of flags will be displayed above the news content.

    • Tag list position: Choose whether the tags list will appear On the right of your news page, or At the top.

    • If you chose List display, select the Display uploaded news item images in abstracts checkbox to show thumbnail images to the left of each article's abstract.

      Note: This option does not affect how thumbnail images display in a news feed embedded in another web page. Thumbnail properties in news feeds are defined within each feed.

    • Choose whether or not to Show Facebook Like buttons for public news items. For details on how to make a news page public, see our guidance on Permissions in SiteBuilder.

    • Select Show social media sharing buttons to display a Share this button at the bottom of each item. Visitors who select the button will have the option to share an item on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or via email.

      Note: Ensure that the page's view permissions have been set to public if you want the Share this button to appear on the published page (or news feeds using this page as a source).

  5. Enter the rest of the page properties: URL, Page heading, Title bar caption and Link caption. For more guidance on these properties, see our article on how to create a new blank page.

  6. Select Create new page.

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