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Publish a news item

This article explains how to publish a news item using the news page template.

  1. Browse to your news page.

  2. Select the Create new item button:


  3. The Create news item screen appears:

    The top part of the 'Create news item' screen

  4. Enter your news item's headline in the Title box.

  5. Optionally, you can include a thumbnail image to accompany your news item. Select the Choose file button to locate and upload an image from your computer.

    Images must be:

    • In either JPG or PNG format.

    • No smaller than 100 x 100 pixels.

    • No larger than 1,170 x 1x170 pixels.

    The thumbnail will appear next to your news item both on your news page and in news feeds embedded on other pages.

    Note: Thumbnails for news items will be scaled and/or cropped when published to suit the page or feed's selected Display as setting. This means the image may appear as small as 100 x 100 pixels (on a page or feed in List view), or at the full page width (in a news feed set to display news items one at a time as Tiles - scrollable).

  6. Enter a short description in the Abstract box - for example, the opening paragraph of the main news item or a standalone summary.

    Tip: For brief announcements or news items, you can enter the whole item in the Abstract box and leave the Detail section empty.

  7. In the Detail section, choose what to use for the full text of the news item:

    • Use a pre-existing web page for this item's detail: If you already have a web page containing the full news item, select this option and enter the target page's address in the URL box.

    • Create the detail for this item now: If you want to write the full text now, select this option and enter the full text in the Detail box. Additionally, choose whether or not to Create a new page with this detail. If you do not select this checkbox, the full news item is part of the parent news page.

  8. You can Schedule for publication at a later date by selecting that checkbox, then use the date picker choose the date and time:

    The bottom part of the 'Create news item' screen

  9. If you want to automatically remove the news item in the future, select Expire news item after a certain date/time, then use the date picker to specify the date and time.

    Note: When a news item expires, the item and associated pages will be deleted. If you need to retain the item for reference, copy them to another location before setting the news item to expire.

  10. To keep the item at the top of your page above more recent items, select Pin news item above all other news items.

    Tip: If you pin multiple items, they will appear in order of publication, most recent first.

  11. Select the appropriate Tags to categorise the news item, or create new ones.

  12. Select Save.

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