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Dementia Action Week: University of Warwick calls for volunteers for ground-breaking Alzheimer’s screening tests

For Dementia Action Week, WMG at the University of Warwick, together with Superlunary Labs, are doubling their efforts to develop a low-cost, non-intrusive method for the early screening of Alzheimer’s Disease using a simple flavour test which can be undertaken as part of a regular health check-up by a nurse, at a pharmacy or community centre.

Tue 14 May 2024, 16:02 | Tags: Alzheimer's, WMG

Nine lifestyle changes can reduce dementia risk, study says

One in three cases of dementia could be prevented if more people looked after their brain health throughout life, according to an international study in the Lancet. However Dr Joanna Collingwood, Associate Professor School of Engineering says individuals can't modify all of the highlighted factors.


Alzheimer's breakthrough "encouraging": Professor Kevin Moffat on the drug aducanumab

A breakthrough in Alzheimer's treatment was reported today, as a new drug is showing 'tantalising' results.

Professtor Kevin Moffat from the School of Life Sciences comments on this development